Thursday, January 21, 2010

what's going on????

Here are a few things that have been going on in our lives lately:

* from previous post, Brent's grandmother passed away and we went back for her funeral this past weekend. She was a wonderful woman and we will miss her songs and her feisty attitude. But we know she is in a better place and able to be more herself now!

*Brent's siblings all came for the funeral, they haven't all been together since 2002. It was like a little family reunion. His sisters, Stacy and Misty, flew in on Saturday and stayed with us that night, then Sunday his brother, Todd, flew in Sunday and we all caravaned down to their hometown together. Along with his other 2 brothers, Jason and Chad and his parents, plus a neice Holli and her adorable baby Mateo, it was a good get together at his parents house, not to mention all the other family that came for it, some of whom I have never met.

*I brought back our camera and video camera and didn't take many pictures and now of course, am kicking myself!

*Brent was called into the Bishopric, 2nd counselor. He was in the High Council for a year and now this. We knew it was coming so it wasn't a complete shock, just a little sooner than expected. I know he will do a great job. He has a strong testimony, he is organized, he has a great deal of compassion and love for people and he follows the feelings of inspiration he receives. I am so proud of him for being who he is and being willing and able to serve the Lord in this way.

*Many people have asked if I will be released from being primary president, my response "I hope NOT!" I love my calling and really don't see any complications with the two callings. The stake president said it was up to the Bishopric and their inspiration. I have been in primary for 5+ years and it just feels right. My patriarchal blessing actually says I will work with the youth in the church and when I was set apart as the president in primary, the blessing that I was given actually said a few parts from my patriarchal blessing. It was an amazing blessing and I know it came from my Heavenly Father.

*Megan is getting to the age where she likes to sit and listen to adults talk, she loved listening to us this weekend and it was great to hear her laugh and have a good time with us. She is such a wonderful sweet girl! Surprisingly she does not like to read very much, she is a FAntastic speller and gets 100% just about every week but doesn't like to sit down and enjoy a good book. She would much rather play that read. (as with probably most kids!)

*Joseph has discovered the fun in video games. He got a DS for Christmas and we have a wii, received a wii fit for Christmas, plus the Nintendo at his grandparents. He is turning into a good game player but now we just need to limit the time on them!

*Sarah is still her spunky little 3 year old self. Everyday she says or does something to keep us laughing. She put all her Polly pockets in our shoes last night for their beds. This morning we needed a few of the "beds" to wear to school, she wasn't to happy with us but said "OH Whatever!" all exasperated.

*Daniel is growing and growing. He loves his brother and sisters and gets excited to see them. He is also a momma's boy but sometimes he just wants dad to hold him and walk with him. He is getting up on his hands and knees more often and he loves to squeal. I am considering, for a number of reasons, weening him from nursing. It is a tough decision.....

These are just a few of the things happening in our lives, I could go on and on, but I will spare you all......until another time :)