Monday, August 23, 2010

Case of the Missing....

Blankies!!! Since Sarah was born she has had 2 blankets, one white, one pink. They were my favorite and they soon became her favorite.

In her infant pictures taken at the hospital she even had it wrapped around her. (she is the bottom left)

We took them with us on all vacations...

She wakes up in the morning and carries them with her until she is ready to really wake up and play....

She keeps warm with them.....

Even wants them in Christmas photos....

But on friday they went Missing.... Gone..... no clue where they are!?
I have looked everywhere, drawers, cupboards, under couches, in bins, garbage cans (even the big garbage
can outside), the van, under other blankets, closets, under beds, pantry, behind the Tv, piano, coaches.....Where in the world are they???????


Ben, Rebecca, Natali, Isaac, Spencer said...

I know EXACTLY what blanket you are talking about! Good luck, hope you find them sooner or later. Sara can't be taking it well.

Laura Bernard said...

Ooh, I live in fear of that. My suggestion would be bags or backpacks. Whenever I can't find on of the three blankies still needed at our house they often end up packed away neatly in a bag in the toy room.

Good luck!

Christina said...

Rob says he has an elf in his house who likes shoes. A shoe will be missing for weeks, then one day you'll find it sitting in the middle of the room and another pair will be missing. Apparently this elf takes the shoes and only gives them back if you sacrifice another. I find my elf likes stuffed animals. I found Bridger's Buddie dog but can't find baby Monet or Tiger. I think your elf likes blankets. Try leaving your favorite blanket out, maybe he'll trade you!