Monday, March 31, 2008


So saturday was the orientation for the kickboxing. I got there a little before 8:00am and checked in, had my picture taken, met my coach and some team members. Then I had myself weighed and body fat determined and measured around the arms, legs, waist and bust and a stretch test. Then I did a step test, this was for 4 minutes, we just stepped up onto a step stool, one foot up then the other foot up, then down and down. Not to bad. Then they pep talked us, showed us a few moves and talked a little about what to expect. We then did sit-ups and push-ups, each for a minute. I was surprised how sore I was after just a minute of each! Then we went outside and ran mile. My time was 12:42. I was thinking it would take me around 20min! I will inprove by the end, I am determined. I did actually jog the last half of the mile, so I am proud of myself for at least jogging that much. I am still debating whether or not to post my weight, measuremens and all. Maybe I will post it at the 5 week mark and hopefully see some improvement!


Anonymous said...

Suzie, thanks for being my partner today and Saturday. You seem so motivated and I feel the same way, Im thinking we will make a good team. Its been really hard for me so far and Im surprised how uncoordinated I felt today. Its just the beginning and I know each day we will improve! Im excited for all of us! See you tomorrow!!!


H-bomb said...

p.s.- Here is my blog if you are interested. Im going to try to keep it updated.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is awesome! You are doing great! I wish I had the same motivation. Maybe if I keep reading your blog it will motivate me! Keep up the good work! Stacy

Robyn said...

Way to go Suzie! You've already been an inspiration to me! We can do this...right??!!