Monday, March 31, 2008

This is only the first day!?!

My alarm went off at 4:45 this morning and I wanted to hit snooze, but I climbed out of bed, changed and left for my workout. I tried not to think about it too much or I think I would have turned the car around and head back home to bed! I got there and we started the workout....It was more intense and I was pushed more than anything I have ever done! Even the warm up was tough! Brent asked me when I got home if they went easy on us for the first day, yeah right, I wish. You just jump right into it and give it a 10, is what they say. I was already sore from saturday, but arms hurt, my stomach hurts and the worst is my calves from acting like I am jump roping and doing the "boxer jump". And it will only get worse before it gets better, What am I doing?!?!
I knew I was out of shape, but I thought "I am a mother of 3, I am moving most of the day and picking up a 20lb baby all day, really how difficult is this"! They showed me. I know a lot of parents are the type that like to say, "Go get that for me" just because we don't want to or we are busy, well I have really tried to stop that the last couple of weeks, thinking I am staying up on my feet more and moving, but after all this, I think this weekend they will need to wait on the hand and foot!
No, after it is all said and done, I know I will feel better and it will be worth it. Right now I still feel that calm, relaxed, but weak feeling after you have a good workout. Which is not so bad.
I will let you know how the rest of the week goes. (If I am able to lift my body up off the couch!)

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